commercial real estate Professionals

Services OFFERED

Market Research & Analysis

Lease vs Buy

Financial Analysis

Tenant Retention

Lease Audit

Operating Expense Audit

Sale Leaseback

1031 Exchanges


Due Diligence


Henry & Company 


Investors and businesses often need the advice and expertise of a real estate professional for other reasons then just buying and selling a piece of property.  An investor may want to reposition his portfolio and would like market data and a financial analysis to determine if this strategy is worth moving forward.  A company may decide to tap the equity in the "bricks and mortar" in order to acquire the needed capital for a major equipment purchase but do not want to go to the bank or a lender and spend countless hours jumping through their hoops.  Henry & Company has the experience and knowledge to provide those analysis and vehicles that not everyone possess.  We are well versed in not only the art of the real estate transaction but the evaluation that goes into determining feasibility and investment structure because we're also owners/investors who have performed these services for our own portfolio's.  At Henry & Company we view our clients perspective from not only a broker or consultant but as an owner and that perspective cannot be fully understood until one has experienced it first hand.